Untitled Painting Collection
Adeboye Abiodun
Painting of a man covering half of his face with his hand

Untitled Painting Collection

Adeboye Abiodun

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  • Painting
Narrated by
Painting of a street with a roundabout
Painting of a young woman talking on the phone and sitting by a sewing machine
Painting of a young man wearing a mask and looking down
Painting of a man covering half of his face with his hand
Painting of a young man wearing an apron
Painting of man wearing an apron and putting an iron to his face
Painting of young boys gathered together, watching something.
No items found.
Adeboye Abiodun

Adeboye Abiodun was born and raised in Ibadan, Oyo State while he hails from Apomu, Osun State.
After his secondary school education, he went to Yaba college of technology where he obtained his
National Diploma in General Arts ( graduated as the best student ) and Higher National Diploma in
Painting .

Abiodun discovered his talent at age 10, when he drew on sacks with his mum's markers. He had his
SIWES training at Universal Studios of Art, iganmu, Lagos and had his industrial training under Mr Opedun

Abiodun has participated in several group exhibitions, workshops and competitions including Paddy
Art Gallery drawing competition in collaboration with MITV in Ibadan, 2017.

He tries to therapeutically affect his viewers with his works and his functional designs for public
consumption. He has executed commissioned projects which can be found both in Nigeria and abroad.

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Bithiah and Aaron Behave
Ovye ft. Bithiah Adams
  • Music
  • Alternative
Beans Without Korkor? A National Tragedy
Ekow Manuar
  • Fiction
Luh Denebola
Aida Oluwagbemiga
  • Fiction
go to issue v

Always accepting submissions.
