Album cover of illustration of artist floating in a cloud



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  • Music
  • Rhythm and Blues
Narrated by

Renaissance, a 6 track expression, represents the culmination, at this point in time, of passive and active exposure to, and immersion in diverse art forms, influences, philosophies and thought patterns from a range of distinct genres and eras; 80’s ,90’s & 2000’s Soul, TrapSoul, Neo-Soul and contemporary RnB. Peerayce worked towards evoking the longing for things deeply desired but only just slightly out of reach, tantalizingly so. 

In these times where brevity is preferred/treasured, what has been executed in this instance of creation can be summed up by a single word, nostalgia.

Renaissance is (an experience) fueled by introspection, examining experiences, mental and emotional processes; parsing things, dissecting, working towards rebirth and a fresh start.

Fresh Start is Peerayce expressing personal/interior experiences of what rebirth sounds and feels like.

Who You Was explores the relationship with a close friend, through time and conversations had, considering many not so positive things she’s been through, being flawed and outlawed, staying true to (her)self, not changing up or being changed from an amazing person. 

Toyota Corolla (Ft Odumodublvck) The 'Rolla basically made life worthwhile at some point in the journey before moving cities. The rolla was sat in,  strategized + schemed in on many days & nights. the 'Rolla was the crashpad, changing room, hotbox, trap house (or car)... and then, sadly, the 'rolla was stolen ....a Tribute to Seun’s Toyota Corolla.

Leonardo da Vinci, one of the greats said a thing- 'simplicity is the ultimate sophistication'. Complexities tries to examine simple yet ambiguous concepts, paradoxes surrounding life in contemporary human existence. 

Free Your Mind, learn from the birds, be free, sing, do, spread wings, soar.

Next (ft Bobby Ibo) is a playful pop commentary on being the next big thing, talking money and diamonds, the luxury that comes with the star status.

Photograph of Peerayce standing on a stool
Photograph of Peerayce looking down
Photograph of Peerayce sitting on a stool
No items found.

Peerayce is an independent afro pop and r&b artist that makes soul touching music. The Nigerian-born singer and songwriter who has been active in Abuja before moving to Lagos in 2019 has a sound characterized by percolating rhythms, high pitches and laid-back vocals delivered in English and contemporary Nigerian Pidgin English. Peerayce’s music has been described as having an R&B-like quality reminiscent of artists such as Frank Ocean who he bears a passing physical resemblance to and John legend. Some of his songs fit under the label afrobeats, the contemporary West African pop genre that marries global pop, highlife, and hip-hop, not to be confused with the jazz-derivative afrobeat originated by Fela to who the young creator expectedly pays homage, in addition to Ebenezer Obey and Kenny Rogers.

Social media; @Peerayce (on all social media platforms)



Mobile: +2347046900711

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