Illustration of merging of multiple vibrant colors



We slid along the seam of sunset’s pouch,you bred with me a silly reverie,deluxe psychedelics redefined our limits.When innocence dined with us.We brew ignorance as art,glances stolen and dashed beyond will,You age, now a woman at heart.I’m exhausted beloved.R

"We slid along the seam of sunset’s pouch,
you bred with me a silly reverie,"

  • Poetry
Narrated by

We slid along the seam of sunset’s pouch,
you bred with me a silly reverie,
deluxe psychedelics redefined our limits.

When innocence dined with us.

We brew ignorance as art,
glances stolen and dashed beyond will,
You age, now a woman at heart.

I’m exhausted beloved.

Reeking is a buffet of sweet talk,
riled up,
bouncing off teeth and gums is my truth as well,
inglorious is this dulcet tale.

At heart, I race still,
at cost, we stray still,
alas, evening delight lingers on lips still.

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Ovye is a 24years old indie Kaduna-bred music artist that experiments with soul music. He seeks to glorify the mundane. His artistic influences include Hugh Masakela, Samthing Soweto, Lindsey Abudei and Leonard Cohen.
Ovye’s music is unpublished and his discography includes one EP(Ketchup On Everything) and three singles (Daddy Issues, A Gathering and Bithiah and Aaron Behave).
As part of Abuja Art Week organized by Hezekina Pollutina Ltd, Ovye took part in the music workshop/residency at Naija Tech Creatives Meetup #002 held in Abuja, Nigeria.

Instagram: @awe_et_vare

more in this issue
David Kovic
Ajay Abalaka
  • Photography
Individual vs Community
Reginald R.C. Ofodile
  • Poetry
Leo Masciarelli
  • Fiction

Always accepting submissions.
