Esther Ogina
Abstract psychedelic illustration


Esther Ogina

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

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Static and dynamic content editing

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  • Poetry
Narrated by


been in a rush


Got me insane

Going astray

From my own lane

Letting loose

Letting go

A crush

A new muse

I write

These lines

With a broad smile

It's been a while

So I’m living this moment for life

Even if it's just for a while

Or a LIE

I don't mind

I don't care

I’m flying on the 9th cloud

So let love


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Esther Ogina

Esther Akinyi Ogina is a 22 year old female writer, poet and dancer.

Esther went to Kenya High School in Nairobi, Kileleshwa and cleared in the year 2015 when she got hersterling results. Esther then proceeded to Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University in Bondo,Siaya county in the year 2016

where she pursued Bachelor's degree in English and Literature which she has always shown an interest through her writing. Esther is a free spirited person and has always interacted with everyone freely irregardless of age or class.This therefore worked to her advantage as she made great strides while on campus.Being an outgoing persona, she got to set an appointment one early morning and meet with the Vice Chancellor of her campus in the first week of her admission just to have a meet and greet to know the drivng force behind JOOUST's excellence! Esther held the position of student's finance Governor while at JOOUST and helped establish a bursary fund drive for needy students. Also being a staunch activist for women rights, she held the finance WOSWA post in her campus to make the dream live at home. She shares her work in her personal blog.


Instagram:Esther Ogina

Twitter: esther_ogina


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TSOL, Ite Earthenware, 11th Studio
  • Documentary
Ankara fabric pattern
Dear Ẹniọlá
Odemakin Taiwo Hassan
  • Poetry
It Ain’t Easy Being a Blackman
Kyle Smith The Maniacal Menace
  • Spoken Word
go to issue vi

Always accepting submissions.
